Note: Nominees in any category may be individuals or organizations.
Educator or group of educators (teacher/support staff, teacher aides)
Do you know an outstanding teacher or group of teachers in your district who have worked above and beyond to make the school forest an exceptional learning environment for the students?
School Administrator
(Superintendents, principals, curriculum directors, any school administration official, etc.) Is your school administrator incredibly supportive of the work being done at your school forest? Does your administrator encourage and champion the forest’s use for student learning?
Resource Professional
(Foresters, educational or environmental organizations, park or agency staff, natural resource managers, Extension agents, etc.) Are you fortunate to have a resource professional who is available to help answer questions, provide guidance, or help sustainably manage your school forest property?
Community Member
(Citizens, volunteers, community organizations, etc.) Would your school forest program be a wonderful resource for your school without the help of a local community member?
Student (any grade level)
Has a student or group of students done outstanding work at your school forest to further the environmental education programming or sustainable forest management within your district? If so, let’s honor them for their hard work, dedication, and passion at the school forest!