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Above the B-line

Season 2 | Episode 9 | September 15, 2021

​For many of us, one of our first experiences handling a paint gun is while learning to tend a pine plantation. It all seems very straight forward… thin from below, a little thin from above, hit the target BA and move on. But sometimes it helps to step back and think about the forest products we are attempting to produce. And one of the most valuable products in a pine plantation can be a utility pole. What does it take to grow and tend utility poles in our stands? In this episode of SilviCast, we dive into the silviculture around utility pole management with Jim Bauer, a Resource Manager with Stella-Jones.



Jim Bauer

Resource Manager, Stella-Jones Corp.

Jim Bauer is employed as a forester and resource manager for Stella-Jones Corp’s utility pole plant in Cameron, Wisconsin. Having grown up in the city of Oshkosh, he graduated high school and attended Fox Valley Tech for residential construction. He began his career as a carpenter and contractor in the Oshkosh area, and continued that path for 25+ years. The “Great Recession” brought on the opportunity to change careers and in 2013 he graduated from UWSP with a forestry degree with emphasis in administration and utilization. After graduation he put his degree to use in the red pine world, working as a procurement forester for Biewer Lumber, and presently Stella-Jones Corp.

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