School of Education Giving
Giving back and giving to the School of Education
The UW-Stevens Point School of School of Education is grateful to the many alumni and friends who have chosen to give back by contributing to our programs. Your gifts can significantly change a student’s life. It can also shape the future of education throughout Wisconsin by helping us build a workforce who will one day become the leaders of our region.
Make an annual gift in one of the following ways:
- Make a gift to an existing scholarship fund: Read about current School of Ed scholarships.
- Make an undesignated gift to the School of Education: Unrestricted gifts support the activities and needs of the school as well as allow SOE to respond to arising needs in a flexible manner.
- To make an annual gift, click Give Now and select Teacher Education Program Excellence Fund or search other funds.

Make a major gift
Unlike annual gifts, most major gifts create endowments – perhaps to establish a scholarship, support a faculty position, or support a particular program. Great care is made in matching donor interest with the many gift opportunities that exist in the UWSP School of Education. Once a donor has identified an initiative they would like to fund, we provide a detailed proposal that outlines the school’s need, the impact of their gift, and the stewardship process which allows us to keep the lifelong partnership intact. Major gifts create, supplement and, in many cases, perpetuate the extensive learning opportunities of students enrolled in the UWSP School of Education.
Planned Giving
“Leave Your Legacy” – Private giving to the School of Health Sciences and Wellness helps to ensure that the college and our departments can continue to meet the diverse educational needs of our students. Although much of the support for our college comes in the form of cash donations, many donors choose to leave their legacy, and realize tremendous tax savings, through a planned gift. A planned gift is simply defined as a donation that requires some form of planning. Whether you seek to avoid capital gains taxes on appreciated stocks or are looking to transfer assets into a life-long income stream, there are countless planned giving vehicles that can create a win-win situation for you and our students.
Thank you in advance for your gift to the UWSP School of Education. You will receive an acknowledgment of your gift from the UWSP Foundation Office, as well as a receipt that can be used for tax purposes. To discuss your wishes to make a major gift or a planned gift, please contact College of Professional Studies Major Gifts Officer Gina Miresse or 715-346-3304.
To make a gift by mail, please use the following address and include information on how to designate your gift.
UWSP Foundation, Inc.
134 Old Main 2100 Main Street
Stevens Point, WI 54481
715-346-3812 or 1-800-858-5267
A Family Legacy of Paying It Forward
Joan Whitford Auld Future Teacher Scholarship
Honorable Lawrence P. (Patrick) Auld, United States magistrate judge for the Middle District of North Carolina, faced a dilemma every Mother’s Day when he searched for a meaningful gift for his mother, lifelong teacher and UWSP alumna Joan Whitford Auld. She would always say he shouldn’t spend money on her, that she didn’t need a thing. So, in 2016, when the 60th anniversary of his mother’s graduation from Wisconsin State Teachers College (now UWSP) approached, Judge Auld cold-called Carie Winn, then the director of development for the College of Professional Studies, and asked if there was a concrete need she could identify for students in the School of Education that a small scholarship in honor of his mother could meet. With that call, the Joan Whitford Auld Future Teacher Award was born to assist students in covering the cost of teacher certification testing. It has since expanded to help UWSP School of Education students cover costs during their student teaching and/or certification process.