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Right Tree, Right Place, Right Time

Season 2 | Episode 4 | April 15, 2021

There may be nothing more satisfying than planting a tree. Artificial regeneration of hardwoods in particular however can be a challenge. Trees are lost due to everything from improper planting to interfering vegetation to deer browse. How do foresters maximize their success at not only having trees survive, but at long-term establishment and growth? In this episode of SilviCast we explore the challenges of artificial regeneration of hardwoods with Doug Jacobs, the Fred M. van Eck Professor of Forest Biology and Associate Head of Extension at Purdue University and a principle scientist at the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center.



Douglass F. Jacobs

Professor of Forest Biology, Purdue University

Douglass F. Jacobs studies the ecology and physiology of forest regeneration and works directly with managers to help improve reforestation and restoration operations. He is a principal scientist in the Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center, collaborating with US Forest Service geneticists to develop restoration strategies for threatened tree species native to the Central Hardwood Region.  He also serves as the Director of the Tropical Hardwood Tree Improvement and Regeneration Center based in Hawaii, where he leads an integrated research and extension program to promote the restoration of endemic forest tree species.

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