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Sugar Sand

Season 2 | Episode 8 | August 15, 2021

What is a forester to do when your soils are almost always dry and sandy and low in nutrients? Skip the black walnut for sure and embrace the sand… or perhaps the pine barrens! Pine barrens were once an expansive natural community is Wisconsin’s northwest, northeast and central sands, but today occupy a limited area due to past management and changes in fire disturbance. These savanna communities were characterized by a variable density of jack pine and oak, with a ground layer of prairie grasses, forbs, and heath species. To restore and maintain these disturbance-driven communities, foresters and ecologists are joining forces to find creative silvicultural solutions. Join us on this episode of SilviCast while we talk to Jennifer Boice, forester for the Black River State Forest, and Armund Bartz, Wisconsin DNR regional ecologist, about the challenges and fun of managing jack pine barrens.




Armund Bartz

Regional Ecologist, Wisconsin DNR

Armund received a B.S. degree in Wildlife Management from the UW-Stevens Point in 1998.  The focus of his career for the last 22 years has been the inventory, management, and protection of Wisconsin’s rare species and natural communities.  For the last 17 years, he has worked as WI DNR’s District Ecologist for the Bureau of Natural Heritage Conservation where his role has largely been the integration of rare species/habitat management into state property Master Plans and forest planning efforts taking a landscape level approach.

Jennifer Boice

Forester, Wisconsin DNR

Jennifer Boice is a Wisconsin DNR Forester on the Black River State Forest.  She has worked for the DNR for 19 years, 14 of which have been at her current location.  She is originally from Michigan where she got her forestry degree from Michigan State University and started her career working for several Conservation Districts along Lake Michigan’s eastern shoreline.

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