Fall 2020 COVID-19 Recommendations/Things to think about

Below is a collection of recommendations, warnings, and things to think about as you prepare for fall. Eventually we hope to better incorporate these into trainings or documentation, but we are presenting them here for now to make them available.
  • When students speak in an in-person class being captured for use online, their voices may not be clearly captured by the voice capture microphone. We recommend the instructor repeat the student’s comment or question before continuing. Doing so will ensure the online students do not miss out on the content.
  • Presenting videos through Zoom or Kaltura Capture is not recommended in most cases. DVD and Blu-ray video sources cannot be streamed due to digital rights management. Videos which can be captured will be streamed at lower frame rates and audio will not be included by default.
    • Where possible, we recommend providing students with links to the online video and having them view the videos directly on their own devices.
    • Where resources are not available online, we recommend making the video available through e-reserve (contact Terri Muraski for more information).
  • Laser pointers or pointing at the projector screen will not be capture by Zoom or Kaltura Capture. While you can use the wireless presenters provided in the rooms for advancing PowerPoint slides, their laser pointers cannot be used for online classes. There are a few alternatives: