Have you ever thought about getting paid to help protect and manage our forests? Finding your path to becoming a forester with wildland firefighting responsibilities starts with loving the outdoors and of course, TREES! If this field interests you, it’s never too early to start planning your career.
Besides knowing about trees and forestry practices, you need to learn about all of the other parts of the forest ecosystem. We wouldn’t have trees without soil so some foresters study soil science. And we wouldn’t have soil without rocks and wind and rain and ice, so some study geology and meteorology. And we wouldn’t have big bucks in the forest if it weren’t for properly managed forests, so knowing about birds, insects and all kinds of animals, is important for foresters learn too.
Math is also another important aspect of being a forester to be able to measure the trees. This is beneficial for knowing how big around and how tall and how old and how crowded the trees are in a forest. That information helps make management decisions, like is it time to cut some trees? Do we need to prune the trees so they grow straight and tall? Do we need to plant more trees? Do we need to take action against an insect or disease that threatens the trees? These are all decisions a forester helps to make.
Many foresters in Wisconsin also have wildland firefighting responsibilities, so it’s important to have experience in both fields. To become a wildland firefighter, it’s important to understand some key fire management principles and how the weather plays an important role in how fire behaves. Gaining an understanding of fire suppression tactics and how specialized equipment is used in forest fire suppression is also important. Knowing about the Incident Command System, which is used to organize resources in major natural resource disasters, is another job duty.
Let’s not forget, you have to be in good physical shape! Hauling heavy fire equipment, laying hose and digging fireline can be grueling work. Foresters with fireline responsibilities must meet the moderate level “work capacity test,” or physical fitness standard, by completing two miles wearing a twenty-five pound pack in under thirty minutes.
Most professional foresters have at least a bachelor’s degree in forestry. Many also have a Master’s Degree. So if you want to be a forester, you should plan to go to college. While you’re in high school, take lots of science, math and English classes. Summer jobs or volunteer work in natural resource management give you valuable real-life experiences.
Some foresters work for the government including Federal, State, County or City. Other foresters work for companies like lumber companies or paper companies. Some foresters are private consultants, who work for themselves or a consulting company.
Good things about being a forester:
- Get to wear jeans and boots to work almost every day!
- Spend time outdoors all year round
- Work with landowners who want to learn and care for their forests
- Talk to children about the benefits of trees and forests
- Show how to properly plant and care for tree seedlings
- Help decide when the time is right to cut trees down
- Protect lives, property and natural resources from wildfires
Challenging things about being a forester:
- Meeting people who think forests are a waste of land
- Seeing a forest that is not properly managed
- Witnessing forest products being wasted
- Seeing a forest destroyed by fire, insects, disease or human development
- Wildfires are unpredictable and can sometimes result in an irregular work schedule
- Fighting fires is a rewarding, but sometimes, a very dangerous job
For more information about becoming a forester and wildland firefighter or to connect with a forestry professional in your area, contact:
Catherine Koele
Wildfire Prevention Specialist, Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
Phone: 715-356-5211 x208
Email: catherine.koele@wisconsin.gov
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