Take a voyage through space and time this May at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point’s Allen F. Blocher Planetarium and Arthur J. Pejsa Observatory.
Shows are free and open to the public, but donations are appreciated. Face coverings are encouraged.
The Junior Scientist monthly planetarium program (ages preschool to third grade) will be held from 3:30-4 p.m. Sunday, May 15, in collaboration with the UW-Stevens Point Museum of Natural History. In “Sky Quest,” youngsters will hear from an astronomer and her exploration of the stars, planets and constellations. Learn more at www.uwsp.edu/cols-ap/museum/Pages/Events.aspx.
May planetarium shows for all ages are offered at 2 p.m. Sundays:
- May 8: “From Earth to the Universe” – Discover the history of the universe from ancient theories to what is beyond the Milky Way galaxy.
- May 15: “Sky Quest” (description above)
- May 22: “The Dark Matter Mystery-Exploring a Cosmic Secret” – What holds the universe together? Join scientists on their hunt for dark matter.
Planetarium seating is first come, first served for up to 55 people. Groups of eight or more may schedule a special showing of any planetarium program by calling 715-346-2208 or completing an online request form. There is a cost of $35 per group for these presentations.
The Arthur J. Pejsa Observatory telescope is open for free, public viewings from 8:30-10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday evenings. Viewings will be held only if the skies are clear and the temperature is above 10 degrees Fahrenheit.
The planetarium and observatory are located on the second and fourth floor of the UW-Stevens Point Science Building. 2001 Fourth Ave., Stevens Point. Parking is available in Lot D behind the building and is free in all university lots after 7 p.m. and on weekends.
Learn more at www.uwsp.edu/physastr/plan_obs/Pages/default.aspx.