UWSP at Marshfield to stage ‘Making God Laugh’ April 4, 2023 The Campus Community Players will perform “Making God Laugh” at UWSP at Marshfield April 13-16. A dramatic comedy will be staged at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point at Marshfield April 13-16. “Making God Laugh,” by Sean Grennan, will be performed at the Helen Connor Laird Theater on campus, 2000 W. 5th St., Marshfield, at 7:30 p.m., Thursday through Saturday, April 13-15, and at 2 p.m., Sunday, April 16. Presented by the Campus Community Players, the show is sponsored by The Laird Endowment Fund for the Arts and directed by Roxie Wetterau. Tickets are $20 in advance at https://tickets.uwsp.edu/, by calling 715-346-4100 or at the door one hour prior to each performance. UW-Stevens Point students are free with UWSP I.D. “Making God Laugh” follows a typical American family over 30 years’ worth of holidays, starting in 1980. Ruthie and Bill’s grown children, a priest, an aspiring actress and former football star all return home, where we learn of their plans and dreams for their adult lives. Over time, the family discovers that despite what we plan, we often arrive at unexpected destinations. The play refers to a quote by Woody Allen, “If you want to make God laugh, tell him about your plans.” The show includes mild adult language.