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Forward! To the Moon!

UWSP | Science Building 2001 Fourth Avenue, Stevens Point, WI, United States

NASA’s 21st century Artemis program, named after the Greek moon goddess and twin of Apollo, is the next step in our mission to explore the universe and land the first woman and person of color on the surface of the Moon. Using innovative technologies to explore more of the lunar surface than ever before, NASA uses what...


SWEPT OVER THE RUG — Michelle Grabner + Brad Killam

UWSP | Edna Carlsten Art Gallery Noel Fine Arts Center, 1800 Portage Street, Stevens Point, United States

Jan 23 – Mar 7, 2025 | Artist Reception: Thursday, Feb 6 | 5:00–8:00pm. A visually arresting and wonderfully provocative installation. Bronze-leafed wash buckets to porcelain toilet paper rolls to Wisconsin landscape paintings. Michelle’s tableau of custodial implements memorializes janitorial labor. A concept that emerged from her artist-in-residency experience at Kohler Co. Michelle transforms these...

SWEPT OVER THE RUG — Michelle Grabner + Brad Killam

UWSP | Edna Carlsten Art Gallery Noel Fine Arts Center, 1800 Portage Street, Stevens Point, United States

Jan 23 – Mar 7, 2025 | Artist Reception: Thursday, Feb 6 | 5:00–8:00pm. A visually arresting and wonderfully provocative installation. Bronze-leafed wash buckets to porcelain toilet paper rolls to Wisconsin landscape paintings. Michelle’s tableau of custodial implements memorializes janitorial labor. A concept that emerged from her artist-in-residency experience at Kohler Co. Michelle transforms these...

Music Colloquium

UWSP | Michelsen Hall Noel Fine Arts Center, 1800 Portage Street, Stevens Point, United States

Music Auditions: Music Performance Jazz Day/Audition Day

UWSP Noel Fine Arts Center 1800 Portage Street UWSP COFAC, Stevens Point, WI, United States

You are on your way towards becoming a member of the UWSP musical family! Auditions for music majors and minors will be held on Thursday, February 20, 2025. Additional information about auditions can be found at: Music Auditions - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point

SWEPT OVER THE RUG — Michelle Grabner + Brad Killam

UWSP | Edna Carlsten Art Gallery Noel Fine Arts Center, 1800 Portage Street, Stevens Point, United States

Jan 23 – Mar 7, 2025 | Artist Reception: Thursday, Feb 6 | 5:00–8:00pm. A visually arresting and wonderfully provocative installation. Bronze-leafed wash buckets to porcelain toilet paper rolls to Wisconsin landscape paintings. Michelle’s tableau of custodial implements memorializes janitorial labor. A concept that emerged from her artist-in-residency experience at Kohler Co. Michelle transforms these...

UWSP Bands -Wind Symphony, and Symphonic Wind Ensemble Concert “Heroes and Legends”

UWSP | Michelsen Hall Noel Fine Arts Center, 1800 Portage Street, Stevens Point, United States

The UWSP Bands, under the direction of John Lynch, present “Heroes and Legends” featuring flutist Danielle Breisach and concerto winner Zach Dunbar, oboe, on a program of evocative and uplifting music.  Tickets: Adults $17, Senior $15, UWSP Employee $10, UWSP Students $12, Youth $10


Auditions for Dance Major and Minor

UWSP Noel Fine Arts Center 1800 Portage Street UWSP COFAC, Stevens Point, WI, United States

Auditions for dance programs will be held on Friday, February 21, 2025and are in-person only.  Additional information regarding auditions can be found here: Theatre & Dance Auditions - University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point