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Kendall Holmes

Kendall received a BS in Biology with aquatic emphasis and a Water Resources minor from the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. Previously, he worked as Water Resources Coordinator and as a Fisheries Technician for the Red Cliff Band of Lake Superior Chippewa dealing with Lake Superior management. His hatchery experience includes state, federal, and tribal fish hatcheries rearing trout and walleye throughout all phases of production. Kendall has been the Lead Hatchery Technician/Facility Foreman at UWSP-NADF since 2005. He has raised over 15 species at the facility at various life stages and rearing systems. As facility foreman, Kendall’s duties include assisting with demonstration/research projects, data analysis, publication and report writing, supervising workers/volunteers, as well as equipment and grounds maintenance.

“I have been interested in fish my entire life. I now get to watch them through all of their life stages as the grow from egg to sometimes monsters – ie a 35 pound Salmon. Watching them eat as I throw feed at them. I enjoy working with the interns, students, and the tours that came through. It is enjoyable seeing other people’s faces light up learning about fish and how they are reared.”


Facility Foreman



Bachelor of Science in Biology, Minor in Water Resources
University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point