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Holly Petrillo

Experiences and Interests

Teaching Experience

  • Professor of Forestry, University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point (August 2019-present)
  • Associate Professor of Forestry, University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point (August 2012-2019)
  • Assistant Professor of Forestry, University of Wisconsin- Stevens Point (August 2006-2012)

Research Interests

  • Forest health
  • Forest insects & diseases



  • CITL team for faculty experts in online teaching.  Spring 2020-present
  • UWSP UPDC Committee, 2018-present 
  • Retention Teaching and Learning Committee, 2018-present
  • UWSP Academic Intervention Retention Committee, 2017-present
  • Faculty Advisor, Students for Sustainability


  • Board Member, Portage County Library
  • Professional Memberships:
  • WI Invasive Species Council, 2019-present
  • North Central Forest Pest Workshop, 2002-present; Board Member, 2013-2017
  • Michigan Entomological Society, 2004-present; Board Member, 2004-2009

Fun Facts

Last book you read?

Half of a Yellow Sun by Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

Best advice you ever received?

Never give up

What did you want to be when you were growing up?


One thing about your college that you are most proud of?

Our dedication to students and undergraduate teaching

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Interacting with students and learning from them

Holly Petrillo
Professor of Forestry

363 Trainer Natural Resources


Ph.D. Natural Resources; Forest Entomology and Ecology Focus
University of Michigan

M.S. Natural Resources; Forest Entomology and Ecology Focus
University of Michigan

B.S. Forestry
Northern Arizona University