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Chris Durall

Experience and Interests

Professional experience

  • Clinical Associate Professor, UW-Stevens Point (2021-present)
  • Director of Physical Therapy, UW-La Crosse Student Health Center (2003-2021)
  • Associate Faculty, Physical Therapy Program, UW-La Crosse (2003-2021)


  • Musculoskeletal/Orthopedic Physical Therapy


Professional memberships

  • American Physical Therapy Association (1998-present)
  • National Strength & Conditioning Association (1996-present)

Peer Reviewer

  • Archives of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation
  • The Physician & Sports Medicine
  • Physiotherapy Research International
  • Journal of Pain Research
  • Journal of Sport Rehabilitation
  • Neuroscience Letters
  • Sports Health
  • Journal of Strength & Conditioning Research
  • Strength & Conditioning Journal

Presentations and Publications


  • Durall C, Zalewski K. Preliminary Outcomes of a Competency-Based Musculoskeletal Curriculum in an Entry-Level DPT Program. Poster presented at the ACAPT Educational Leadership Conference. October 14, 2023, Philadelphia, PA.


  • Kernozek T, Schiller M, Rutherford D, Smith A, Durall C, Almonroeder TG. Real-time visual feedback reduces patellofemoral joint forces during squatting in individuals with patellofemoral pain. Clin Biomech (Bristol, Avon). 2020 Jul;77:105050.
  • Henke R, Kettner S, Dreifuerst S, Greife A, Durall C. Does Early Low-Intensity Aerobic Exercise Hasten Recovery in Adolescents with Sport-Related Concussion? J Sport Rehabil. 2020; 29(2):248-252.
  • Lipker L, Persinger C, Michalko B, Durall C. Blood Flow Restriction Therapy Versus Standard Care for Reducing Quadriceps Atrophy After Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction. J Sport Rehabil. 2019;28(8):897-901.
  • Willadsen E, Zahn A, Durall C. What Is The Most Effective Training Approach For Preventing Noncontact ACL Injuries In Female Athletes? J Sport Rehabil. 2018;28(1):94-98.
  • Fuller J, Hammil H, Pronschinske K, Durall C. Operative vs. Nonoperative Treatment after Acute Patellar Dislocation: Which is more Effective at Reducing Recurrence in Adolescents? J Sport Rehabil. 2018;27(6):601-604.

Book Chapters

  • Davies G, Durall C. Mixed Martial Arts. Sports Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation. 2nd ed. Shamus E, Shamus J (eds.), McGraw-Hill pub, New York, NY. 2017.
  • Durall C. Adhesive Capsulitis. In: Clinical Orthopedic Rehabilitation. 2nd-4th eds.  Giangarra C, Manske R (eds.), Mosby pub, Philadelphia, PA. 2011-2017.
  • Durall C. Therapeutic Exercise for the Cervical Spine. In: Clinical Orthopedic Rehabilitation. 4th ed. Giangarra C, Manske R.., (eds.), Mosby pub, Philadelphia, PA. 2017.
  • Durall C, Allen B. Non-surgical rehabilitation of lumbar spine strains/sprains. In: Orthopaedic Rehabilitation of the Athlete: Getting Back in the Game. Reider, Provencher & Davies (eds.) Elsevier publishing, Philadelphia, PA. 2015.
  • Durall C. Cuboid Syndrome. In: Clinical Orthopedic Rehabilitation. 2nd ed. Brotzman S, Manske R.., (eds.), Mosby pub, Philadelphia, PA. 2011.

Fun Facts

Last book you read?

Origins: How The Earth Made Us by Lewis Dartnell

Best advice you ever received?

Be the best version of yourself

What did you want to be when you were growing up?

An architect

Favorite Quote?

Everyone talks about the weather but nobody does anything about it
-Mark Twain

One thing about your school that you are most proud of?

Bright, seasoned, & passionate faculty & staff
Cutting-edge curriculum that is competency-based & student-centered

What do you enjoy most about teaching?

Teaching/learning moments that arise spontaneously during class discussions

A piece of advice for students in your school?

Volunteer/job shadow in several different PT settings to broaden your understanding of the profession.

Chris Durall
Clinical Associate Professor - Doctor of Physical Therapy (DPT)
College of Professional Studies Diversity Task Force

B133 Science Building


Doctor of Physical Therapy
Creighton University, 2002

Sports Physical Therapy Resident
Gundersen-Lutheran Sports Medicine, 2000

M.S. in Physical Therapy
UW-La Crosse, 1998

Athletic Training Apprenticeship

B.S. in Physical Therapy with Biology Minor
UW-La Crosse, 1993