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Bailey Foster

“It was about 5 minutes into my first tour of campus when I knew that this was the place for me. I loved my first year here so much that I worked in Admissions as an Ambassador for 2 ½ years as a student, so I could show others how much they could get to experience as a Pointer.  My degree from UWSP is in Natural Resource Management – Environmental Education & Interpretation, which is a fancy way to say that I love talking to people and connecting with the world around us.  When not on campus, I love visiting the parks of Stevens Point, the Saturday Farmers Markets, and hanging out with my cat.”

Piece of advice she has for students:  You never know the real boundaries of your comfort zone, if you never give them a little nudge. Every now and then, doing something new, scary, hard, or intimidating is how you learn that you actually DO like sushi, but not nigiri (it’s a texture thing). 
What she wanted to be growing up: I wanted to be a teacher since the time I could talk. I actually chose UWSP because of the Education program here but found that I could be a teacher in different ways than just in the classroom. Now, I get to ‘teach’ folks who are looking to attend UWSP what we have to offer them! 
What she enjoys about UWSP: The sense of community that everyone has here is something I have not experienced anywhere else I have lived. People are always so excited to share places they love, recommendations, or a helping hand.  
Her favorite part of campus and why: I love the lounge/lobby area of the Trainer Natural Resource building. There is one on the first floor with some beautiful art depicting natural resources, and I think the seating is so cozy. A close second would be the Basement Brewhaus because of the warm energy, comfy couches, and coffee!

If you would like to meet with Bailey, please schedule a meeting.

First-Year Admissions Counselor

Call or text 715-553-5274


B.S in Natural Resource Management – Environmental Education & Interpretation
UW-Stevens Point