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Aaron Zimmerman

Hey there, I’m Aaron Zimmerman, a proud UWSP alumnus, class of 2019 where I majored in Communication and media studies. Hailing from central Wisconsin, Stevens Point has always been on my radar, thanks to its one-of-a-kind community vibe. I had my heart set on attending since grade school. I continued my education so I can better help UWSP with a M.A in Strategic communication and leadership at Maryville University in St. Louis, MO. I am the office foodie and live for baked goods, so let me know if you need a restaurant recommendation when you are in the area! 

Piece of advice: Never be scared to be undeclared. If you feel like your major is not right for you, talk to your adviser to find the correct major. Life is too short not to love what you do, so don’t graduate with a degree that you only “sorta” like. Find what makes you excited and what you are passionate about for yourself. 
What he wanted to be growing up: I wanted to be a cryptozoologist- to search for and study of animals whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the Loch Ness monster and bigfoot.
What he enjoys about UWSP: Any school can have a community that surrounds it, but not every school has one that backs and supports it like Stevens Point does for us. The relationship that this campus has with the community really shows in the support they provide for our students and the success the students get from it. I love the community. Honestly, it is the reason I chose to go here and the reason I decided to stay. I have traveled all over the state but nowhere in Wisconsin do you get that feeling of home as you do here in the city of Stevens Point.
Favorite place on campus and why:
The top of the glass staircase in the Trainer Natural Resource building during a snow storm. You can look out east and see for miles around as the snow falls. The staircase is the perfect temp to take in the views in a winter jacket without getting too warm.
Campus/Community Involvement: Faculty and Staff Gender-Sexuality Alliance as well as the Prevention Advisory Committee, and Admissions office Honors and Athletics liaison

If you would like to meet with Aaron, please schedule a meeting.

Assistant Director of Recruitment

Office of Admissions and Recruitment
Call or text 715-519-8283


B.S. in Communication
UW-Stevens Point

M.A in Strategic Communication and Leadership
Maryville University