​​Music Professor David Hastings works with University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point graduates to ensure he pronounces names correctly at commencement.

Commencement name reader works to get pronunciations right

Few things mean as much as hearing your name pronounced correctly. David Hastings, a Department of Music​ professor of saxophone at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point, takes that volunteer job very seriously.

As a commencement name reader for about 12 ceremonies since 2009, Hastings has pronounced more than 5,000 UW-Stevens Point students' names.

"This is a cool way to do something different as a performer in front of a lot of people," Hastings said. "As odd as it sounds, I wanted to practice dealing with the nervousness I get as a performer of music. The benefit I discovered is I meet the graduating classes at UW-Stevens Point."

The job is more than sitting on stage and reading names. It begins by working with students whose names may be difficult to pronounce as they line up an hour before the ceremony.

"I have them say their name to me," Hastings said. "My ear training as a musician helps with that. I also ask how people mispronounce their name."

Saying the name of each student correctly on graduation day is a big responsibility, said Hastings. "Many times names from outside our culture get mispronounced. So if I take the time to pronounce their names as they say it, it honors them and their families."

He makes notes to himself on the card they will hand to him before they cross the stage. When it comes to the actual reading of cards, which can take 25 to 40 minutes during winter or spring ceremonies, he said it's important to have a system.

"I get into a rhythm. I look at the way the name is written first, then I look to the phonetic spelling. If I go to the phonetic first, I sometimes say it incorrectly."

He remembers a time he had a student with his same last name. He looked at the phonetic first and said it wrong. "People won't let me forget that," he said.

The best moments come when he says a difficult name right, and he sees the student smile. He also enjoys seeing his own students graduate, and has to fight the urge to get up and hug them as they pass by.

Hastings will be taking a break from name reading as he returns to teaching full-time in fall. He has split his time between teaching and administration since 2013.

"I'm looking forward to focusing on my responsibilities as a teacher of saxophone and musicianship," Hastings said, "and getting back into the classroom."

His advice for new name readers? "Pay attention to the moment. Enjoy how you are honoring these students and that calms your nerves. It's similar to playing music — you just have to get into the groove."