Communication Committee

Overview | Committee Members | Previous Members | Operational Plans


The WEEB’s mission is "To provide leadership in the development of learning opportunities that empower Wisconsin citizens with the knowledge and skills needed to make wise environmental decisions and take responsible actions in their personal lives, workplaces, and communities."

Goals identified within Wisconsin's Plan for Environmentally Literate and Sustainable Communities and Wisconsin's Plan to Advance Environmental Literacy and Sustainability in PK-12 Schools provide a common purpose and direction for diverse community sectors and stakeholders as we collectively work toward supporting and enhancing environmental literacy in all segments of society. 


The Communication Committee is charged with:

  • Determining an agenda/action plan designed to move initiatives associated with the following goals:
    • Build awareness of environmental literacy and sustainable communities.
      • 1.1: Develop and implement communication methods for diverse audiences.
      • 1.2: Identify and promote best practices and successes in environmental literacy and sustainability.
      • 1.3: Develop and strengthen the capacity of community leaders to communicate the value of environmental literacy and sustainable practices.
    • Build the capacity of individuals, organizations, businesses, and governments to advance environmental literacy and sustainable communities.
      • 3.1 Identify tools and resources that support environmental literacy and sustainable practices.
      • 3.2 Facilitate access to identified tools and resources.
      • 3.3 Facilitate innovative collaborations between diverse individuals, organizations, businesses, and governments.
  • Continuing to build the supporting infrastructure needed to move from "business as usual" to the dream of environmental education opportunities that provide for environmental literacy of all Wisconsin citizens and which engage a variety of organizations in “big picture” endeavors.
  • Communicating with other WEEB committees to ascertain needs and to provide feedback that may direct their future action(s).
  • Reporting to the WEEB at its quarterly meetings on the status of undertaken initiatives.
    • Anticipate reports will be in a written format rather than having a committee member attend the WEEB meeting, although committee members are always welcome to do so. One committee member (see "membership" below), should already be in attendance at the WEEB meeting and should be in a position to answer any questions that arise from other WEEB members regarding the work of the Communication Committee.


The Communication Committee, will have an annual (July 1-June 30) non-personnel budget (mileage, phone, postage, duplicating, etc.) for its work. All expenditures will be made through the WEEB office. The Committee does not have purchasing authority.


The Communicatioin Committee will consist initially of five to seven members appointed by the WEEB. One committee member will be a currently serving WEEB member. The committee will elect its chairperson.

Meeting Location and Times

Will be at the discretion of the committee.
  • The Board expects the committee will make extensive use of email, phone-conference calls and other technologies that reduce the need for face-to-face meetings.
  • The Board expects the committee will convene/communicate frequently enough to be able to report progress on initiatives at each of the WEEB quarterly meetings.

Additional Directives

The Communication Committee may at its discretion:

  • add or remove additional committee members beyond those originally appointed by the WEEB. The Communication Committee may not remove a member who was appointed directly by the Board.
  • create and dissolve sub-committees or task forces to carry out initiatives identified within previously approved operational plans. Membership of sub-committees and task forces will be approved by the membership of the Communication Committee and need not be approved by the WEEB.