Exploring the D2L Content Area

Course content pages are where the bulk of your course materials will be housed. The course content page is divided into a navigation panel in the left column, with content for that item appearing in the right column. Content items are broken up into “modules” – a way for your instructor to organize the course. Instructors typically organize modules into weeks or class periods, or into topics for instruction.

If you click onto the “Table of Contents” content item, you can see an overview of the entire course, divided by module. The light gray band across the top of each section denotes which module you are looking at, with the items below being the content under that module. At the right side of each module section is a light, downward facing arrow.You can use these to collapse the content for that module. Collapsing content is a sticky selection, which means that module will remain collapsed until you click the arrow again to reveal the content. You can tell a module has been collapsed when the arrow on the right side is pointing to the right instead of down.

You can focus on any individual content module by clicking it from the left column. The right column now shows you only the items in this module. Click on an item in the left column to view it. While viewing a content item, you can interact with it. A dropdown arrow to the right of the title of the content item, as well as Buttons at the bottom of the content window will let you send the object to “Binder” (a mobile app for viewing content offline,) “Reflect in ePortfolio” (useful in courses that are using ePortfolio,) or “download” the content to your computer.

Activity Details are at the bottom of the screen. This is a place where your instructor can give you information about what you are supposed to do with the content you are viewing.