What Students Say

"I think it would benefit many others on campus."

In my major, "I began to realize that I was still missing out on the social aspect of the environment. I looked at the classes offered and requirements for the ES minor and instantly knew that it would be able to fill in the gap."

"It has broadened my entire world view."

"I can now critically evaluate the world around me not only from a scientific viewpoint but from a social, historical, and political one as well."

"It is because of this minor that I have decided to pursue law school for environmental law. I have always been passionate about the environment, but never really considered law school as something I would be interested in. Now, I can’t imagine doing anything else."

"It made me completely reevaluate the reason why I was at college and made me question what I wanted from my education."

"I became an Environmental Studies Minor because I care about the present and future conditions of the environment and the impact that businesses have on it. I hope to be able to influence the business I work for in helping them realize the importance of environmental sustainability."

"One thing I really have enjoyed about the Environmental Studies Minor is that I have been able to take a wide variety of classes which has exposed me to a lot of new thoughts and concepts I don’t get in my communication or business classes."

"I also really like that I have been able to shape the classes to fit into my different majors."

Environmental studies has helped me "better understand how much effort needs to go into making a difference."