Volunteer Opportunities

Board Member

Board members represent various sectors. If you are interested in serving as a Board member, please complete a nomination form.

Nominations are currently (until March 25, 2016) being accepted for the following seats:

  • Business & Industry
  • Energy
  • Nature Centers/Museums/Zoos


Grant Reviewer

Grant reviewers conduct the screening of the grant proposals. To insure the best proposals are recommended for funding, the Board seeks reviewers from a wide variety of disciplines (not just education). If you are interested in serving as a grant reviewer, please complete and submit a grant reviewer application form.

In mid-February or early March, reviewers are sent approximately 10 proposals for independent review and ranking. For specific dates, please see the Board calendar. Each proposal is reviewed by at least three reviewers, so final decisions do not rest with only one individual..

All the reviewers meet in mid-March or early April. For specific dates, please see the Board calendar. The purpose of the meeting is to come to a consensus about which proposals should be recommended for funding. The WEEB makes final decisions about which proposals to fund at its April meeting.


Site Reviewer

Site reviewers conduct an on-site review of funded proposals. The purpose of the review is to provide feedback information to the WEEB about the project. Site reviews are scheduled at the convenience of the reviewer and the project director, but typically take place between May and October.

Generally site reviewers have previously served as grant reviewers. If you are interested in serving as a site reviewer, please contact the WEEB office.