Aber Suzuki Center celebrates 50 years

​An Aber Suzuki Center student and teacher

Portage County Gazette

​By Heather McDonald

Maxmilian Heindl sat on teacher Judy Meyer’s lap, his hand grasping the drumstick-mallet under her guide. He watched the children and parents circling around him as he snapped the stick to the drum, thump, thump, thump.

Meyer helped him rap the drum quickly then hesitate and tap once. Everyone stopped, then upon the tap jumped a 180 to face the other direction.

Maxmilian’s eyes lit up as he realized he could control the others through the rhythm. Giggling and now drumming on his own, the beat continued.

Just completing his first coursework with music, sound and movement in the Early Childhood Education program at Aber Suzuki Center, Maxmilian has no knowledge that this lesson is part of history in the making, and through that, he now is part of Suzuki’s legacy.

Aber Suzuki Center (ASC) celebrates half a century of teaching and inspiring students at University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point (UWSP) this year, and educators, leaders and students want the public to join in the celebration June 16 and 17.

The weekend kicks off at 7 p.m. Friday, June 16, with a Young Stars Concert at Michelson Hall. The performance will feature beginner, intermediate and advanced musicians demonstrating how the program has grown from violin lessons to the seven instrument areas offered today. A social for past and current faculty and students will follow at SentryWorld’s Atrium. 


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