Suggested Scripts

Faculty, staff and students who see individuals smoking or using tobacco on university grounds should inform these individuals politely that university policy prohibits tobacco use anywhere on university grounds.


Example Script #1:

Situation: You see a person using tobacco products on UW-Stevens Point property.
Response: "Hello. I want to make you aware that we are a tobacco-free campus. Tobacco products are prohibited on our grounds. We would appreciate if you would not use tobacco products while visiting our campus. Thank you for your cooperation."


Example Script #2:

Question: "Where am I allowed to smoke?"
Response: "To smoke or use tobacco products you will need to leave the campus. You can find a map to help you identify university property at the UW-Stevens Point website."


Example Script #3:

Situation: A property owner adjacent to campus notices tobacco use on or near his or her property.
Response: “I support UW-Stevens Point as a tobacco-free campus. If you choose to smoke off campus, please be respectful of my property and properly dispose of any debris. Thank you for your cooperation."


Example Script #4:

For registration, pre-admission and office staff who speak to students and families before a UW-Stevens Point campus visit: "I'd like to let you know in advance that our campus is a tobacco-free environment. We work hard to support a safe and healthful learning environment for everyone at UW-Stevens Point. Tobacco-cessation resources are available for enrolled students, faculty and staff."