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Instruction Modes

In Person – Meets face-to-face at specific days and times on campus.

Online – Class conducted online using various academic technologies without any required meeting times. Class participation required throughout the entire class duration, several times each week.

Scheduled Time Online – Class conducted online with at least a portion of the class meeting online at a specific day and time using interactive video and various technologies. Required time will appear in your schedule as meeting in a "virtual classroom."

Hybrid – A combination of In Person and either Online or Scheduled Time Online, or a mixture of all three. There will be required face-to-face meetings. Check class notes for details on individual sections.

Individualized – Used to designate specialty classes that require individualized instruction (i.e. field study, independent study, internships, etc.).

Additional modes for distance learning:

Point-to-Point – Students and instructor are scheduled to meet face-to-face at a particular day and time at two or more campuses, using streamed audio and video to connect the separate classrooms.

Hybrid Point-to-Point – A combination of Point-to-Point and either Online or Scheduled Time Online, or a mixture of all three. There will be required face-to-face meetings. Check class notes for detail on individual sections.

To see how the instruction modes display in a student's class schedule, please click here.


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