Graduate Council (GC)

Chair: Cathy Scheder, 2023-2024, Please check here for committee membership(Committee memberships are listed by acronym at the bottom of this Excel Workbook. Requires a logon.)


Scope and Authority: The Graduate Council is the representative body of the graduate faculty, acts as its executive committee, and exercises all powers legally and/or traditionally exercised by the graduate faculty of the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point. These duties include: 

  • Responsibility for approving al​l policies relating to UW-Stevens Point graduate programs and specifying the manner in which they are administered.
  • Approval of graduate faculty, graduate programs, graduate courses, and other graduate offerings. On all curriculum matters, the council shall, before taking any action, consider budget implications.
  • Establishment of admission, retention, and matriculation criteria of the graduate programs.
  • Approval of candidates for graduate degrees.
  • Review of the mission statement of the university and determination of the priorities to be assigned to graduate proposals.

Please see the Forms and Resources page for curricular forms and other information

Procedures for submitting curricular proposals:

  1. All proposals should be completed and approved by appropriate body (i.e., department and dean approvals).

  2. The completed and approved proposal should then be forwarded electronically (MS Word Doc) to the Graduate Council chair.  

  3. The Graduate Council chair will notify departments when the proposal will be discussed.  

  4. Format for proposals is strike-out for deleted text and underscore for new text.

  5. Please use the most current text from the catalog when submitting proposed revisions. 

  6. Please note, if an electronic signature is used, only the document with the electronic approval signature need be submitted. If the signature is handwritten, in addition to the document, a PDF version showing the approval signature is also required. 

  7. When copying/pasting catalog text, click on "print-friendly page" in the upper right corner, copy desired text from the print-friendly page, and paste "text only" to remove all Acalog formatting.