Computer Upgrade Program

The Computer Upgrade Program provides eligible faculty and staff with an office computer. Funding is provided by Information Technology and the program is administered by the College Support Team (CST) in cooperation with the COLS Dean's Office.



Individuals in any of the following categories are eligible for a single computer funded from the Computer Upgrade Program.

  • Faculty with a teaching appointment of .5 FTE or greater (associate, assistant and no-prefix professor job codes)
  • Adjunct Faculty with a teaching appointment of .5 FTE or greater for the past 4 academic semesters (associate, senior, visiting, and no-prefix lecturers)
  • Academic Department Associate (ADA) and University Services Associate (USA) positions with .5 FTE or greater, combined limit of 2 funded positions per school. Where multiple departments or schools share a ADA position, each position is only eligible for 1 computer.


Replacement Cycle

The Computer Upgrade Program aims to replace funded equipment once every 5 years. Exact replacement cycles will vary depending on several factors including funding and variations in the numbers of computers due for replacement.


Annual Program Timeline

The Computer Upgrade Program timeline can vary from year to year due to funding availability and other projects. General timeline:

  • Late Spring: CST generates a list of computers eligible for replacement, reviews the list with the COLS Dean's Office and Department Chairs. Once a list has been finalized, the CST sends out offer e-mails to individuals who are eligible for a new computer at that time. 
  • Early July: Computer requests are processed at the start of the fiscal year.
  • Mid-to-Late Summer: Computers are installed in roughly the order they are received.

While Information Technology strives to install all computers prior to the start of the semester, due to staffing levels and new computer volume some computers may be scheduled for installation during the semester. Priority will be given to orders for new Faculty and Staff to ensure the computers are ready prior to their start date.


Computer Options

The Computer Upgrade Program provides eligible individuals with a choice between the campus standard, base model HP small form factor desktop and the campus standard, base model 15" HP notebook running Windows 10, both are fully funded by the program. Exact computer models and hardware specifications vary from year to year and will be provided by the CST during the ordering process.

Apple computers require preapproval, please see "Apple and Linux Computer Preauthorization" section for more information. Other options, upgrades, and accessories to meet specific needs are available, please see the "Alternative Computer Options and Upgrades" section for more information.


Apple and Linux Computer Preauthorization

Apple computers are available as an option for those who have a justified business need. Preapproval by the CST is required for all uses of Apple or Linux based computer. Regardless of preapproval, Apple computers are not fully funded by the computer upgrade program due to their higher cost, please see the "Alternative Computer Options and Upgrades" section for more information.


Alternative Computer Options and Upgrades

Alternative computer options, upgrades, and accessories are available to meet specific needs. The Computer Upgrade Program will continue to cover the cost of the base model computer. Costs beyond the equivalent form factor of the funded computer options must be covered by other funds. Please speak with your CST for more information.


Hardware Ownership and Authority

Hardware provided through the Computer Upgrade Program, regardless of department funding contributions, is owned by Information Technology and managed at the College level by the CST in close cooperation with individuals, departments, and the Dean's Office. Equipment provided by this fund is not individual or department owned or controlled.


Multiple Position Cost Sharing

Generally UWSP strives for one computer per faculty or staff member. When individuals occupy multiple positions on campus, costs may be shared between the Computer Upgrade Program and the outside department (based on position FTEs) to fund a single computer.


Computer Return and Reuse (Trickle-Down)

The computer being replaced must be returned to Information Technology before or at the time of installation of the new computer. In rare circumstances where there are concerns about compatibility or data transfer, arrangements can be made to keep the previous computer online for access via Remote Desktop for a limited time until operation of the new computer can be confirmed.

Replaced hardware may be reused in other positions, see the Computer Trickle-Down page for more information. In general, one computer should be decommissioned and returned to the CST for each computer provided by the Computer Upgrade Program.

Last updated: 2/22/2021