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Nominate a Lake Steward

Do you know an outstanding person or group who dedicates time and talent to our state’s water resources? We encourage you to nominate them for the prestigious Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award! The Wisconsin Lakes Partnership presents the Wisconsin Lake Stewardship awards each year in celebration of the extraordinary volunteer and professional efforts made to protect and improve lakes in Wisconsin. The Stewardship Awards represent our best collective effort to honor and celebrate all the incredible work that goes into ensuring the future of our state's Legacy of Lakes. 

History | Nomination Categories | Scoring | Criteria | Nomination Steps


For the past 34 years, we’ve been celebrating Wisconsin’s outstanding lake stewards in categories that recognize outstanding contributions of individuals, organized groups, educators, youth, and businesses. For this 35th year, we’re changing the categories to reflect the importance of the organizational work and projects in which individuals and lake organizations are involved. We want to recognize those who are strengthening their community capacity with the goal of protecting and improving lake health.

Winners from 1986-present (Google sheet)

What is Capacity?

Our model of lake organization capacity is built around four related parts: membership, organization, relationships, and programs. Membership is the basis for the other three: a group needs members who provide financial and volunteer support to fuel their efforts. Organizational capacity concerns how a lake association or lake district conducts its internal affairs. Organizations develop relational capacity by collaborating and networking with external people and groups. Lake groups leverage these first three types of capacity to increase their ability to get things done: programmatic capacity. 

Nomination Categories

We understand that capacity looks different for each organization since each is working on different areas in order to boost their ability to get things done. We want to recognize individuals and organizations who are strengthening the capacity of their organization in the following categories:

Excellence in Public Engagement Award 
This category will recognize an individual, group, or business who has taken steps to increase public understanding, engagement and support for lake issues and opportunities. Examples of excellence in public engagement should have measurable success such as:
  • Providing educational programming to property owners/members throughout the year through in-person, virtual, and print communications (details would include the number of individuals reached, as well as outcomes).
  • Expanding outreach efforts to include community members and organizations who aren’t lakeshore property owners but who still benefit from the lake
  • Creative/innovative outreach efforts that manage to “cut through the noise” at a time when there are many issues and messages competing for public attention

Excellence in Building Partnerships Award
This category will recognize an individual, group, or business who has helped an organization develop new or strengthen existing external relationships to benefit a lake or watershed. Examples may include:
  • Collaborating with the town, county, or neighboring lake organizations to increase visibility of issues and strategize as partners on solutions, both for the lake and the greater community
  • Reaching out to new groups, such as local tribes, schools, and churches to build relationships which advance the learning and understanding of lake issues and opportunities

Programmatic Excellence for Lake Health Award 
This category will recognize an individual, group, or business who excels in programs that improve the quality of our lakes due to program implementation. Program implementation will need to go above and beyond and have measurable impact. Examples of programs include:
  • Major restoration projects to improve lake water quality
  • Watershed and shoreline protection projects that maintain lake health
  • Aquatic or other invasive species prevention and management projects that maintain healthy lake ecosystems
  • Educational programming focused on lake protection and management


In addition to the above criteria, the team reviewing nominees is interested in recognizing people, groups and projects that include diversity, equity and inclusion in their work. Our collective action to protect and restore lakes is more effective and enduring with diverse perspectives at the table.

Excellence in Public Engagement:
  • Increased Membership Engagement (with measurable results)

Excellence in Building Partnerships:
  • Increased Number of Relationships/Partners
  • Increased Quality of Relationships (with measurable results such as surveys)

Programmatic Excellence for Lake Health:
  • Number of Programs
  • Effectiveness of Programs (with measurable results)


  • Past recipients can be nominated again under new categories
  • Only one nomination per nominee (i.e. you can’t nominate a person or organization for two or three awards)
  • The selection committee can move a nomination to a different (more appropriate) category.

Nomination Steps

*All materials must be assembled and submitted by December 15 for your nomination to be considered. The nominator may seek help from the nominee in providing information for this award.
  1. Choose a category. Choose one of the three categories (described above) that fits most closely with your nominee. The Stewardship Awards Selection Committee may elect to move a nominee from one category to another, more appropriate, category.

  2. Complete the nomination form. 2022 Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Awards (
    Please fill in all the information requested on the nomination form.

  3. Gather at least two letters of support explaining why the nominee is deserving of the Wisconsin Lake Stewardship Award. The nominator must submit at least 2 letters of support from individuals or groups with knowledge of the nominee’s efforts and, better yet, experience working with the person or group who has been nominated. No more than 5 letters of support will be accepted. Please keep all letters of support to no more than 2 pages. More letters of support will not translate into a higher ranking of the candidate— the Awards Committee seeks quality over quantity. Please provide these letters electronically.**

  4. Gather no more than 3 pieces of supporting information that demonstrate why the nominee deserves a Lake Stewardship Award. Examples of the kinds of materials that may be submitted include: news articles highlighting the nominee’s efforts and contributions, materials developed by the nominee, survey results showing measurable impact, or other awards or recognition the nominee has received for their lake-related efforts. Choose concise materials that are relevant to your petition encouraging the nominee’s selection as a Lake Stewardship Award winner. No more than 3 pieces of supporting information will be accepted (aim for quality over quantity). Please provide materials electronically.**

    **Uploads to the nomination form are limited to 5 documents (ideally 2 letters of support and 3 pieces of supporting information).



©1993- University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point