​Special Course and Class Fees

Some courses require additional fees to cover the cost of materials and services beyond those usually provided. These fees are charged in addition to the tuition cost. These fees can be on all sections of a course or just on a specific section. Special course fees are non-refundable after the first week of class.

Course Fee: a fee that will apply to all class sections of the course within an identified term and session.  If the fee needs to be changed or removed, a new Special Course Fee Request e-form is submitted to Modify Existing Fee or Remove Fee. 

Class Fee: a fee that will apply to a specific class section of a course within a term and session.  Any new class sections of the course will need a new Special Course Fee Request e-form submitted.  If the fee needs to be changed or removed, a new Special Course Fee Request e-form is submitted to Modify Existing Fee or Remove Fee.

Information regarding the policies and procedures of establishing a Special Course or Class Fee can be found here.  

Looking to See if a class has a Special Course or Class Fee?  Schedule Builder in accesSPoint will show all Special Course and Class Fees associated with a class.  See the Schedule Builder-Viewing a Special Course and Class Fee Guide for more information.

To begin, enter criteria for the course/class and select search, or select search to see complete list of Special Course/Class Fees.  

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Fee Amount