Budget cuts could lead to Aquaculture Facility closure
Ashland Daily Press

By Rick Olivo

When you first enter the Northern Aquaculture Demonstration Facility (NADF) just off State Highway 13 on the Red Cliff Indian Reservation, the importance of what happens there isn’t immediately apparent.

The large metal barn-like structure hums with high-volume pumps working, feeding cold water to any number of fiberglass tanks. It’s only when you peer into the net-covered tanks that you get inkling about what is going on.

In the tanks, huge Atlantic salmon cruise, brood stock for research work on developing a strain of the hugely popular food fish that can be farm-reared for an insatiable market. In other tanks, a battalion of moon-eyed walleye gather at the bottom of the tank, subjects of experiments to produce fish that can be profitably grown by Wisconsin fish farmers to supply all those Friday night fish fries.


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