​Student Conduct Process

The student conduct process at the University of Wisconsin-Stevens Point is an integral part of the educational mission of the university. The University's student conduct system emphasizes the development of each student's acceptance of his/her own personal and social responsibilities. A compassionate and supportive approach to student conduct is employed whenever possible.

The University student conduct process is designed to provide and help maintain an atmosphere within the University community that is conducive to academic achievement. Severe disciplinary action against a student, such as separation, or expulsion, are considered and sanctioned when other remedies fail to meet the needs of the University's mission.

UW-Stevens Point recognizes its responsibilities to all members of the academic community - students, faculty, and staff, and the protection of personal and institutional rights and property is a primary focus of the student conduct process. The rules, regulations, procedures, and policies concerning student rights, responsibilities, and student conduct and discipline are found below.

Academic Misconduct Procedure Guide for Faculty 
Step-by-step guide to the academic misconduct process. The academic misconduct process addresses concerns of academic dishonesty such as cheating on an exam, plagiarism, claiming credit for the work of others, and so on.

Academic Misconduct - Letter Templates for Faculty:
Academic Misconduct Meeting Request
Academic Misconduct Written Outcome

UWSP Chapter 14 - Academic Misconduct
UWSP Chapter 14 is the official UW system policy and procedures for addressing possible academic misconduct.

Academic Misconduct Reporting Link
Reporting form for all allegations of student ​academic misconduct.

Academic Integrity
Information about UW-Stevens Point's committment to academic integrity and creating an atmosphere of trust and integrity in the classroom.

Academic Integrity - A Guide for Students
What might be considered cheating? If someone thinks you cheated, what are the possible outcomes? Check out this brochure for the information (currently under revision).

Medical Amnesty Policy
Your safety, and everyone's safety, is our first priority. Call for help and get the support you or a friend might need.

Non-Academic Misconduct Flowchart
This flowchart will show you how the non-academic or behavioral misconduct process works. The non-academic misconduct process address concern such as violations of residential living polices, alcohol and drug policy violations, and all allegations of interpersonal violence (sexual assault, dating violence, etc.).

UWSP Chapter 17 - Nonacademic Misconduct
UWSP Chapter 17 is the official UW system policy and procedures for addressing alleged student behavioral misconduct. Sections 17.09 and 17.151 list the types on of conduct subject to disciplinary action under CH. 17.

UWSP Chapter 18 - Conduct on University Lands
UWSP Chapter 18 is the official UW system policy and procedures to address behavior on university lands of students, faculty, staff, and guests. This includes information about the designation of law enforcement, parking, and possible violations of the law.

University Hearing Board and Checklist
For more serious cases, or repeated violations of University policies, the University Hearing Board is an impartial panel of faculty, staff, and students who determine outcomes related to misconduct. The checklist outlines the order of events during a hearing.