Targeting Priority Working Lands

Project Abstract


Targeting Priority Working Lands and Operations (TWLO) pilot project aims to provide local- decision makers with the tools and training  necessary to identify Priority Working Lands and Operations. Priority working lands and Operations are important to farms and farmlands where protection efforts are desirable and help attain community goals and objectives.

Local people are the heart of targeting priority working lands and operations. They know their community best and can share critical information about local needs, interests, and biophysical, economical and cultural conditions. The TWLO pilot project will apply local feedback and information using Land Evaluation and Site Assessment (LESA) system and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) to deliver flexible, accurate and understandable land protection models. The results are intended to help local decision- makers create, defend, and implement balanced public policy choices that protect important working lands and operations yet safeguard private property rights.


Project Background and FAQ's 

You can now view interactive maps that present the data used for this project. People that have Adobe Flash v. 10 or greater can view the maps at

People with access to GIS applications like ArcGIS Desktop or ArcGIS Explorer Desktop, can access the data for these maps by connecting to UWSP's ArcGIS Server at Data layers for this project are located in the folder labeled "GISCenter" and have the prefix "Cal-." 

Pilot Counties

(To learn more about the details of each county's project, please click on the respective county name below)