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Concurrent Session 5
60 minutes

April 7, 2017 ~ 8:00-9:00 am

Agenda subject to change.

Mindful Management of Aquatic Invasive Species - Friday, 8:00-9:00 am

Online Resources to Help Prevent the Spread of Aquatic Invasive Species

Over the past five years, the Wisconsin AIS Partnership has been producing videos and other media that is available online to help citizens and AIS professionals alike prevent the spread of AIS. Come learn about what online media currently exists, how to access it, and how you can use it to Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers in your community.
Tim Campbell, Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Specialist, UW-Extension and WI Department of Natural Resources

How Citizens Can Help Stop Aquatic Hitchhikers!

In addition to citizen monitoring opportunities, volunteers that want to help stop the spread of aquatic invasive species can help implement  a number of outreach programs with the help of UW-Extension, the Wisconsin DNR, and a local AIS coordinator. These efforts can range from events, like the Landing Blitz and the Drain Campaign, to more regular efforts like the Clean Boats Clean Waters or the Bait Shop Initiative. Join UW-Extension staff to learn more about how volunteers can be engaged in their area.
Jenny Seifert, Aquatic Invasive Species Communications Specialist, UW-Extension and WI Department of Natural Resources

Bringing Policy Makers to the Watertable - Friday, 8:00-9:00 am

Hot Topic Update #1: Water and Legislation

In the fast paced world of the Wisconsin Legislature, policy initiatives can arise at any moment. To keep you as informed and up-to-date as possible, the focus of this session will be determined at the last moment possible! It might cover a specific matter in the state budget, a new piece of legislation released in early 2017, or if nothing new is on the horizon, may be a repeat of the general budget and policy update presented on Thursday. Check in with the Lakes Partnership Convention website, or the Wisconsin Lakes booth at Convention, for updates!
Mike Engleson, Director, Wisconsin Lakes

Citizens Minding Our Waters - Friday, 8:00-9:00 am

Introduction to Citizen-based Monitoring Projects that Mind Our Waters

The Wisconsin Citizen-based Monitoring Network is a collaboration of over 180 projects and organizations that monitor natural resources in Wisconsin. Partners monitor species and habitats in order to better understand and protect our natural resources. Find out about the network, its history, and the resources it offers to projects, organizations, and volunteers. Learn about volunteer opportunities monitoring bats, birds, frogs, turtles, mussels, and more!
Eva Lewandowski, Conservation Biologist, WI Department of Natural Resources, and others TBA


Wisconsin's Lake Sturgeon

Lake sturgeon (Acipenser fulvescens) first appeared when dinosaurs roamed the earth, and they retain many of their primitive characteristics. In recent history, commercial fishermen first considered them a nuisance, slaughtered them, and tossed them on shore to rot. Later, they saw sturgeon as valuable for their flesh and eggs and harvested them by the ton. Today, the Winnebago sturgeon population is the world’s largest and most intensely managed and studied. An all-volunteer Sturgeon Guard plays a key role in protecting this ancient species. Learn fun facts about this unique fish and how you can help ensure its future.
Barbara Helmick, Sturgeon Guard Coordinator, WI Department of Natural Resources

Fact sheet: Wisconsin's Lake Sturgeon (PDF)

Mindful Connections: Rivers, Lakes, Groundwater and Watersheds - Friday, 8:00-9:00 am

Watershed Planning: Understanding and Incorporating the Nine Key Elements

What are nine element plans? How do they differ from lake management or other watershed plans? What advantages do they provide, and what information and methods are needed to create a nine element plan? Come find the answers and guidance for a successful plan. To learn more before the Convention, visit:
Andrew Craig, Water Resource Management Specialist, WI Department of Natural Resources

Ecology: Learning How to Live Mindfully with our Aquatic Neighbors - Friday, 8:00-9:00 am

Invasive Snails as Potential and Realized Hosts for Parasites in the Midwest

Invasive species have important impacts on the ecology and economics of regions throughout North America. Snails are an important group of aquatic invaders as they have the potential to transmit parasites that are problematic for both wildlife and people. As part of this talk, you will learn about some of the common invasive snails found in freshwater systems throughout the Midwest and will discuss their known and potential roles in parasite transmission. Dr. Sandland will identify some of the key findings from our research on host-parasite interactions which may help to explain the success of invasive snails in the area. Finally, the current work involving the development of predictive models to better understand the factors contributing to parasite-based issues (such as trematodiasis and swimmer itch) in the Midwest with be discussed.
Greg Sandland, PhD, Professor of Biology, UW-La Crosse

Grants and Codes: the Making of Healthy Lakes - Friday, 8:00-9:00 am

WDNR Aquatic Plant Management Strategic Analysis

The last environmental review of Wisconsin’s Aquatic Plant Management was in 1988.  Since then there has been many changes in aquatic plant management due to newer technologies and invasive species.  In 2014 the Department conducted a program review in the first step to update the program. This review recommended a Strategic Analysis under NR 150.10 to be completed of the program.  The analysis will evaluate factual information to help inform future discussion and decisions on the issue of aquatic plant management (APM) in the state of Wisconsin, such as revision to the state Administrative Rules NR 107 and NR 109.  We will share where in the process we are, and the direction we are going with our partners.  Your input is needed and we hope you attend.
Scott Provost, Statewide Aquatic Plant Management Coordinator, WI Department of Natural Resources
Scott Van Egeren, Statewide Lake and Reservoir Ecologist, WI Department of Natural Resources


What Citizens, Volunteers, and Natural Resource Managers in Wisconsin Value in an Aquatic Invasive Species Management Program

The Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources (WDNR) makes $6 million available yearly to local entities for lake and river management activities through its surface water grants program. In 2016, the WDNR began a process to revise the surface water grants program, including its aquatic invasive species (AIS) grants program, to better align it with public needs. One tool the WDNR will use to revise the AIS grants program is a statistical approach called conjoint analysis. While it is commonly used in market research to determine what people value in a potential product, it is a more novel approach in a policy setting. The advantage of this technique is that it not only allows researchers to determine what attributes are important, but also how important they are by using choice-based tasks. The WDNR worked with the University of Wisconsin Extension and a consultant to develop a survey tool that asked respondents to make choices between hypothetical AIS grants programs. The resulting utilities of what different stakeholders value in an AIS grants program will be used in conjunction with feedback from focus groups and interviews to optimize the AIS grants program.
Tim Campbell, Aquatic Invasive Species Outreach Specialist, WI Department of Natural Resources and UW-Extension


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