Daily Schedule & Curriculum

Daily Calssroom Schedules:



The UCLCC provides quality learning experiences and care for infants, toddlers, pre-school, 4K and school age children. The UCLCC learning environment is cognitively stimulating, aesthetically pleasing and fosters children's emotional, social, physical and cognitive growth. The center's strong emphasis on nurturing relationships, family, community and culture is promoted with developmentally appropriate practices through the Reggio Emilia Inspired Approach, Conscious Discipline, and nature-based programming.

The UCLCC curriculum is a guide created to define learning objectives and create teaching standards that are fluid throughout the four UCLCC classrooms.  It has been designed to serve UCLCC children from 6 weeks to 6 years.  The curriculum considers developmental differences and is meant to be flexible and meet the child where they are at.  The curriculum also serves as an indicator for ongoing professional development of staff. In accordance with UCLCC's emphasis on program-family partnership, the curriculum has been created to encourage family involvement, and establish ongoing meaningful communication with families.

At UCLCC teachers plan and implement age appropriate and play-based activities. Activities are inspired by the children's interests and adapted to each child's individual needs.  Plans for execution of curriculum are developed through classroom observation as well as child and program assessments. Educational learning goals are based on the Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards. 

All programming for children six weeks of age and older follow the NAEYC Accreditations Standards for age appropriate developmental programming. The program activities are planned to enhance all children to learn their best for their own unique individual abilities. Activities are age and time appropriate. Group and individual activities all follow The Wisconsin Model Early Learning Standards, a Reggio-inspired philosophy with an emphasis on environmental education, Conscious Discipline, child-inquiry based learning, and NAEYC Developmentally Appropriate practices.