

To comply with state regulations and protect the health of all the children, parents must keep child at home if he/she has any of the following symptoms:  sore throat, inflammation of the eyes, fever, rash, vomiting, diarrhea, or other signs of illness.  Children need to be 24 hour symptom-free (without medication) before returning to the center.  PLEASE PLAN AN ALTERNATE ARRANGEMENT FOR YOUR CHILD BEFORE HE/SHE BECOMES ILL.

  • Criteria the staff will use in determining if a child is to be sent home ill include:

      1. Does the illness prevent the child from participating comfortably in regular activities?
      2. Does the illness require greater care than staff can provide without compromising the health and safety of other children or general staffing ability of the center?
      3. Does the illness pose a risk of spreading to others?

Children with symptoms of illness will be placed in temporary isolation.  Parents will be contacted and must arrange to remove the child promptly from the Center.  A parent will be called if a child has a temperature over 100° along with other symptoms of illness.

Communicable diseases need to be reported to HRG-UCLCC. UCLCC will post these diseases in the sign-in/out area and send out an e-mail to all parents.  Human Services and DCF are informed of illnesses that are required to be reported by the state of Wisconsin.


  1. Center staff may give prescription or non-prescription medication, such as non-aspirin pain relievers or cough medicine to a child, or apply parent provided and labeled sunscreen or insect repellent to a child only under the following conditions:
    • A written authorization dated and signed by the parent is on file.
    • The medication is in the original container and labeled with the child's name and the label includes the dosage and directions for administration.
    • A written record, including type of medication given, dosage, time, date and the name of the person administering the medication shall be made in the center medications and injury log on the same day that the medication is administered. The recording of the application of sunscreen or insect repellent is not required.
  2. Medication shall be stored so that it is not accessible to children.
  3. Medication requiring refrigeration shall be kept in the refrigerator in a separate, covered container clearly labeled "medication."